All Longhorn livestock transactions will be paid in advance by using either a Credit Card, Cashiers Check or Cash. Payments can be made with a check at least one week prior to delivery.
$200 deposit holds an animal for 30 days. Balance is due on or before pick-up or delivery in advance. 50% of the deposit is returnable after 30 days if the deal is not consummated.
There is a $3.00 per day per animal charge for the boarding of animals purchased and held at the Bella Rio Ranch after an animal is sold and held at the ranch for over 30 days after the sale date.
The Bella Rio Ranch pays for the TLBAA certificate transferred to the new owner after completion of the sale.
All heifer calves are sold with the Official Calfhood Vaccination (OCV) for Brucellosis. All cows are guaranteed breeders. Bulls are sold fertility sound.